Depth First Search Algorithm In Python
(This question is followed up in more detail here: python-search-algorithm-from-implied-graphs) Suppose I have a function that takes an input ($x_i$) and then goes through a loop
Solution 1:
I think that just using an explicit stack for the current path and recursion is simpler:
def search(start_state, neighbors, goal):
path = [start_state]
class PathFound(RuntimeError):
def rsearch(x):
if goal(x):
raise PathFound
for y in neighbors(x):
except PathFound:
return path
return None # No path exists
Python has a low recursion limit but for a depth-first search this is normally not an issue (and it can be extended anyway by sys.setrecursionlimit
Solution 2:
class Tree:
def __init__(self, value, children = None):
self.value = value
self.children = []
if children:
self.children = list(children)
def get_children(self):
return list(self.children)
def get_value(self):
return self.value
def has_children(self):
if self.children:
return True
node9 = Tree(9)
node5 = Tree(5, [node9])
node6 = Tree(6)
node3 = Tree(3, [node5, node6])
node7 = Tree(7)
node8 = Tree(8)
node4 = Tree(4, [node7, node8])
node2 = Tree(2)
node1 = Tree(1, [node2, node4, node3])
def iterate_child(child):
global level
print ' ' * level * 2, child.get_value()
if child.has_children():
level += 1
for s_child in child.get_children():
level -= 1
level = 1
print node1.get_value()
for child in node1.get_children():
as you can see in the above image, I have iterated through the children of the node1 and recursively iterated over the children of the children node, first, and then processed the second child of the parent node.
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