Sorting Table By Columns
This little program grabs data from a csv file and displays
Solution 1:
There's no existing method, at this moment, to find which header you click, so tkinter code required here.
Double clicks for header sorting in following demo code, how to sort the table, it depend on your code for sorting and not shown here.
import PySimpleGUI as sg
def double_click(event):
Additional event for double-click on header
event: class event
region = table.identify("region", event.x, event.y)
if region == 'heading': # Only care double-clock on headings
cid = int(table.identify_column(event.x)[1:])-1 # check which column clicked
window.write_event_value("-TABLE-DOUBLE-CLICK-", cid)
data = [
["Name", "Cases/All", "Case/Day", "Deaths/All", "Death/Day"],
["Global", "80773033", "563983", "1783619", "11784"],
["USA", "19147627", "174814", "332423", "1779"],
["India", "10244852", "20549", "148439", "286"],
["Brazil", "7504833", "20548", "191570", "431"],
["Russian", "3131550", "26513", "56426", "599"],
["France", "2530400", "11295", "63701", "969"],
["UK", "2382869", "53135", "71567", "458"],
["Italy", "2067487", "11210", "73029", "659"],
["Spain", "1893502", "7717", "50442", "36"],
["Germany", "1687185", "22459", "32107", "1129"],
["Colombia", "1603807", "9310", "42374", "203"],
["Argentina", "1590513", "6586", "42868", "218"],
["Mexico", "1389430", "5996", "122855", "429"],
["Turkey", "1364242", "15805", "20388", "253"],
["Poland", "1281414", "12780", "28019", "565"],
["Iran", "1212481", "6108", "54946", "132"],
["Ukraine", "1045348", "7986", "18324", "243"],
["South Africa", "1021451", "9580", "27568", "497"],
["Peru", "1008908", "1251", "37525", "51"],
["Netherlands", "778293", "7561", "11218", "171"],
sg.set_options(font='Courier 11')
layout = [
[sg.Table(data[1:], headings=data[0], auto_size_columns=False,
def_col_width=13, enable_events=True, key='-TABLE-')],
window = sg.Window('Table', layout, finalize=True)
table = window['-TABLE-'].Widget
table.bind('<Double-1>', double_click, add='+')
while True:
event, values =
if event == sg.WINDOW_CLOSED:
elif event == '-TABLE-DOUBLE-CLICK-':
column = values[event]
print(f'Click on column {column}')
# Sort data on the table by the value of column
# then update window['-TABLE-'].update(values=new_data)
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