Can I Write Whole Lines In Google Spreadsheets Using Gspread In Python?
I am trying to write a simple script that will take csv as an input and write it in a single spreadsheet document. Now I have it working however the script is slow. It takes around
Solution 1:
Yes, this can be done. I upload in chunks of 100 lines by 12 rows and it handles it fine - I'm not sure how well this scales though for something like a whole csv in one go. Also be aware that the default length of a sheet is 1000 rows and you will get an error if you try to reference a row outside of this range (so use add_rows
beforehand to ensure there is space). Simplified example:
data_to_upload = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
column_names = ['','A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H', 'I','J','K','L','M','N',
'O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z', 'AA']
# To make it dynamic, assuming that all rows contain same number of elements
cell_range = 'A1:' + str(column_names[len(data_to_upload[0])]) + str(len(data_to_upload))
cells = worksheet.range(cell_range)
# Flatten the nested list. 'Cells' will not by default accept xy indexing.
flattened_data = flatten(data_to_upload)
# Go based on the length of flattened_data, not cells.
# This is because if you chunk large data into blocks, all excess cells will take an empty value
# Doing the other way around will get an index out of range
for x in range(len(flattened_data)):
cells[x].value = flattened_data[x].decode('utf-8')
If your rows are of different lengths then clearly you would need to insert the appropriate number of empty strings into cells
to ensure that the two lists don't get out of sync. I use decode for convenience because I kept crashing with special characters so seems best to just have it in.
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