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How To Fetch An Entire Row In A Table And Display It In A Template

I am trying to make a ticketing site for a Cinema which my project in school, and I made two models, 1 is Movie and 2 TimeSlot. Movie.time_slot has a manytomanyrelation to TimeSlot

Solution 1:

If you look at the many-to-many example in the docs, you could access to time slots using movie_instance.time_slot.all().

In your view you could omit the TimeSlot queryset:

def home(request):
    context = {
        'movielist': Movie.objects.all(),
        'title': pagetitle
    for m in context['movielist']:    # for debug, remove later
        print(m.time_slot.all())      # for debug, remove later
    return render(request, 'movies/home.html', context)

And in your template you can try

<strong>Time Slots:</strong>
{% for t in movie.time_slot.all %}
    {{ t.timeslot1 }}
    {{ t.timeslot2 }}
{% endfor %}

Or you could add a method to your model to filter and prepare a string with what you need and then just call that method in your template for each movie instance.

class Movie(models.Model):
    def get_monday_time_slots(self):
        return self.time_slot.filter(day='monday')

Does that help?

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