AttributeError: 'Mul' Object Has No Attribute 'sqrt'
I am receiving the error stated in the title. Full error: MaxD = Cone*np.sqrt(SymsX/np.pi)*np.exp((-SymsX/(k*T))) #Define Maxwellian distribution function AttributeError: 'Mul' ob
Solution 1:
In an isympy
In [1]: import numpy as np
In [3]: SymsX = Symbol('SymsX')
In [5]: SymsX/np.pi # symbol * float
Out[5]: 0.318309886183791⋅SymsX
In [6]: SymsX/pi # symbol * symbol
In [7]: sqrt(SymsX/pi) # sympy sqrt
╲╱ SymsX
In [8]: np.sqrt(SymsX/pi) # numeric sqrt
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
AttributeError: 'Mul' object has no attribute 'sqrt'
The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-8-27f855f6b3e2> in <module>
----> 1 np.sqrt(SymsX/pi)
TypeError: loop of ufunc does not support argument 0 of type Mul which has no callable sqrt method
has to first convert its input into a numpy array:
In [10]: np.array(SymsX/np.pi)
Out[10]: array(0.318309886183791*SymsX, dtype=object)
This is an object dtype array, not a normal numeric one. Given such an array, q numpy ufunc
tries to delegate the action to a element method. e.g. (0.31*SymsX).sqrt()
Multiply and addition do work with this object array:
In [11]: 2*_
Out[11]: 0.636619772367581⋅SymsX
In [12]: _ + __
Out[12]: 0.954929658551372⋅SymsX
These work because the sympy
object has the right add and multiply methods:
In [14]: Out[5].__add__
Out[14]: <bound method Expr.__add__ of 0.318309886183791*SymsX>
In [15]: Out[5]+2*Out[5]
Out[15]: 0.954929658551372⋅SymsX
The sympy.lambdify
is the best tool for using sympy
and numpy
together. Look up its docs.
In this case the SymsX/pi
expression can be converted into a numpy expression with:
In [18]: lambdify(SymsX, Out[5],'numpy')
Out[18]: <function _lambdifygenerated(SymsX)>
In [19]: _(23) # evaluate with `SymsX=23`:
Out[19]: 7.321127382227194
In [20]: 23/np.pi
Out[20]: 7.321127382227186
In [21]: np.sqrt(_19) # np.sqrt now works on the number
Out[21]: 2.7057581899030065
The same evaluation in sympy
In [23]: expr = sqrt(SymsX/pi)
In [24]: expr
╲╱ SymsX
In [25]: expr.subs(SymsX, 23)
In [27]: _.evalf()
Out[27]: 2.70575818990300
Solution 2:
In a fresh isympy
These commands were executed:
>>> from __future__ import division
>>> from sympy import *
>>> x, y, z, t = symbols('x y z t')
>>> k, m, n = symbols('k m n', integer=True)
>>> f, g, h = symbols('f g h', cls=Function)
>>> init_printing()
Documentation can be found at
In [1]: EpNaut = 8.854187E-12
...: u0 = 1.256E-6
...: k = 1/(4*pi*EpNaut)
...: NumGen = 1000
...: T = 1000
...: MaxEn = 7*T*k
...: Cone = 2/((k*T)**(3/2))
...: SymsX = Symbol('SymsX')
...: MaxD = Function('MaxD')
...: PFunction = Function('PFunction')
...: MaxD = Cone*sqrt(SymsX/pi)*exp((-SymsX/(k*T))) #Define Maxwellian distri
...: bution function
...: PFunction = integrate(MaxD) #Integrate function to get probability-error
...: function
The result:
In [2]: PFunction
⎛ _______ -3.5416748e-14⋅π⋅Syms
1.0 ⎜ 28235229276273.5⋅╲╱ SymsX ⋅ℯ
1.33303949775482e-20⋅π ⋅⎜- ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
⎝ π
X ⎛ _______⎞⎞
7.50165318945357e+19⋅erf⎝1.88193379267178e-7⋅√π⋅╲╱ SymsX ⎠⎟
─ + ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────⎟
π ⎠
In [3]: MaxD
1.0 _______ -3.5416748e-14⋅π⋅SymsX
1.33303949775482e-20⋅π ⋅╲╱ SymsX ⋅ℯ
is still a symbol, so these are sympy
expressions, not numbers.
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