Celery Import And SQS Connection Issue
I'm trying to follow the documentation to get started with celery, but running into hard to debug problems with the sample code. I can't tell if I'm hitting two sides of the same
Solution 1:
How do you call the task, are you using manage.py shell
Did you add import djcelery; djcelery.setup_loader()
to the top of your settings.py
The API's for celery and django-celery are different now because django-celery is lagging behind. Celery 3.1 will support Django out of the box, so the new API can be used everywhere.
On the eclipse thing that is interesting. Is it possible that Eclipse uses static analysis to find the symbols in a module? In that case, does it help to add the following to the celery/init.py file:
__all__ = ['Celery']
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