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Find Files In A Directory With A Partial String Match

I have a directory which contains the following files: apple1.json.gz apple2.json.gz banana1.json.gz melon1.json.gz melon2.json.gz I wish to find all of the apple, banana and melo

Solution 1:

Having the files in /mydir as follows

├── apple1.json.gz
├── apple2.json.gz
├── banana1.json.gz
├── melon1.json.gz
└── melon2.json.gz

you could either do

import glob
import os

for file in glob.glob('apple*.json.gz'):
    print file


import glob

for file in glob.glob('/mydir/apple*.json.gz'):
    print file

Changing directories will not effect glob.glob('/absolute/path').

Solution 2:

Double List Comprehension Method

I was looking for a similar tool and developed a double list comprehension method that should work well for your case (I tested it for my case) ...

import os

def get_file_names_with_strings(str_list):
    full_list = os.listdir("path_to_your_dir")
    final_list = [nm for ps in str_list for nm in full_list if ps in nm]

    return final_list

print(get_file_names_with_strings(['apple', 'banana', 'melon']))

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