How To Get User Input For Multiline Lines In Python 3?
I know that the regular input function can accept single lines, but as soon as you try to write a string paragraph and hit enter for the next line, it terminates. Is there a beginn
Solution 1:
A common way of doing this in programs is to have an "I'm done" string (e.g. a single period), and to keep reading in lines until the line read matches that string.
print("Enter as many lines of text as you want.")
print("When you're done, enter a single period on a line by itself.")
buffer = []
while True:
print("> ", end="")
line = input()
if line == ".":
multiline_string = "\n".join(buffer)
print("You entered...")
Solution 2:
You can do that using sys library
import sys
x =
Solution 3:
def processString(x):
lines = ""
while True:
if lines == "":
lines = ""
print("Enter string:")
x = input()
if x == "" and lines != "":
lines += x
# then hit enter once after multi-line string to process it
Solution 4:
import sys
s =
# print(s) # It will print everything
for line in s.splitlines(): # to read line by line
Solution 5:
[input() for i in range(int(input()))]
for n multiline user inputs, each index in the list will be a new line input from the user.
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