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How To Mark Specific Data Points In Matplotlib Graph

I have a plot that I want to mark some values of x on the graph like in the following image, (p.s. I put the dots by hand) I tried the following code, yet it did not work as I hav

Solution 1:

Assuming that the vals are integers in the range of [-60,60], one would need to find the positions of [-1,1,2] in that list and use those positions as the argument to markevery.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

vals,poly = range(-60,60), range(-60,60)

plt.plot(vals, poly, label='some graph')
roots = [-1,1,2]

mark = [vals.index(i) for i in roots]
plt.plot(vals,poly,markevery=mark, ls="", marker="o", label="points")

Alternatively, you could also just plot only those values,

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

vals,poly = range(-60,60), range(-60,60)

plt.plot(vals, poly, label='some graph')
roots = [-1,1,2]

mark = [vals.index(i) for i in roots]

plt.plot(roots,[poly[i] for i in mark], ls="", marker="o", label="points")

enter image description here

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