Python Tensorflow Import Dll Load Failed
Solution 1:
I got same problem with tensorflow1.6-CPU on win7 64bit(Intel Core 2 Duo Cpu T6670 2.2GHz)
After I found this, and it solved my problem.
Reference this issue:
Re-installed by this tensorflow-1.6.0-cp36-cp36m-win_amd64.whl:
Hope this .whl may help you.
Solution 2:
I faced the same issue with tensorflow-1.12.0 what i did was :
- Install anaconda
- open anaconda prompt
conda create -n tfp python=3.6
activate tfp
conda install tensorflow
- Now check by importing tensorflow
the version i used was 3.6, but you can also try with 3.7 Hope it helps!
Solution 3:
I downgraded tensorflow to 1.10.0 and it fixed the issue
Solution 4:
Probably, your CPU does not have the instructions for AVX (needed for all tensorflow binaries since 1.6). You can check that with some tool like CPU-Z. If that is the case, you can donwload the correct wheel here (use SSE2 binaries):
Solution 5:
I had the same issue. I upgraded pip version with:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
also, downgraded with
pip install tensorflow==2.0
and it worked
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