Simple Pygame Audio At A Frequency
Solution 1:
After getting entirely too many "ValueError: Array depth must match number of mixer channels", and other similar errors, I discovered this working example It properly generates a multi-dimensional 16 bit integer array that works with a stereo mixer. Minimum working example below, mostly lifted from the previous link with the necessary pygame bits thrown in. Tested in Python 2.7.2 with pygame.ver '1.9.1release'.
This example will play a 440 Hz tone out of one speaker and a 550 Hz tone out of the other speaker in a stereo setup. After a bit of playing with the duration I discovered that audible clicks will pop up in the sound loop if you set the "duration" variable to anything other than a whole number.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import *
import math
import numpy
size = (1366, 720)
bits = 16
#the number of channels specified here is NOT
#the channels talked about here
pygame.mixer.pre_init(44100, -bits, 2)
_display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(size, pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
duration = 1.0 # in seconds
#freqency for the left speaker
frequency_l = 440
#frequency for the right speaker
frequency_r = 550
#this sounds totally different coming out of a laptop versus coming out of headphones
sample_rate = 44100
n_samples = int(round(duration*sample_rate))
#setup our numpy array to handle 16 bit ints, which is what we set our mixer to expect with "bits" up above
buf = numpy.zeros((n_samples, 2), dtype = numpy.int16)
max_sample = 2**(bits - 1) - 1
for s in range(n_samples):
t = float(s)/sample_rate # time in seconds
#grab the x-coordinate of the sine wave at a given time, while constraining the sample to what our mixer is set to with "bits"
buf[s][0] = int(round(max_sample*math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency_l*t))) # left
buf[s][1] = int(round(max_sample*0.5*math.sin(2*math.pi*frequency_r*t))) # right
sound = pygame.sndarray.make_sound(buf)
#play once, then loop forever = -1)
#This will keep the sound playing forever, the quit event handling allows the pygame window to close without crashing
_running = True
while _running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
_running = False
Solution 2:
What kind of 440 Hz sound? There are many types of waves at "440 Hz": sine, saw, square, etc. You could have a flute playing an A, and that might count too.
Assuming you want a sine wave, it looks like you can generate a Sound object with pygame.sndarray.samples
. (I haven't tested this) You can create the samples with:
samples = [math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * frequency * t / sample_rate) for t in xrange(0, duration_in_samples)]
This is hopefully basic sine wave stuff. frequency
is the desired frequency, in Hz. sample_rate
is the number of samples / second in the generated audio: 44100 Hz is a typical value. duration_in_samples
is the length of the audio. (5 * 44100 == 5 seconds, if your audio is at a 44100 Hz sample rate.)
It looks like you might have to convert samples
to a numpy.array
before passing to pygame.sndarray.samples
. The docs indicate that the audio should match the format returned by pygame.mixer.get_init
, so adjust samples
appropriately, but that's the basic idea. (mixer.get_init
will tell you the sample_rate
variable above, and whether you need to account for stereo, and if you need to adjust the amplitude of the wave or shift it.)
Make samples
a integral number of waves long, and it should loop.
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