Sort A List Of Entries According To A Given Column And Return The List Of Indices
Solution 1:
import pandas as pd
lst = [13,6,3,2,1,7,6,8]
othr = [5,2,7,9,2,5,7,10]
df = pd.DataFrame({"list1": lst, "list2": othr})
result = df.sort_values("list1")
here ldf contain two lists, it is sorted by list1 and you can find the indices from index (result.index
) of the dataframe.
Solution 2:
Not a short answer but if you must
alist = [(1,"b"),(5,"a"),(3,"c")]
index = {}
for i,item in enumerate(alist):
index[item] = i
original_indexes = [index[x] for x in sorted(alist,key=lambda x: x[0])]
Solution 3:
my variation:
def sort_index(z):
>>> sort_index([(1,"b"),(5,"a"),(3,"c")])
[0, 2, 1]
number = [a[0] for a in z]
return [x[1] for y in number for x in zip(sorted(number), range(len(z))) if x[0] == y]
Solution 4:
In the dark ages it was usual to DSU (Decorate Sort Undecorate) to sort a list of objects according to an arbitrary attribute.
We can revert this pattern, now that we have the key
argument, to keep the decoration only...
def argsort(l, field_no):
return (t[0] for t in sorted(enumerate(l), key=lambda x:x[1] [field_no]))
Here the decoration is produced by the usual enumerate
, that gives us the index of each item, so we have to sort a list of 2-tuples, the first element being the index and the 2nd the element of the original list, we use the key
argument to sort according to a field of the original list, and we trow away the original list element...
In the following, a brief demo of the said approach
In [1]: from random import shuffle
In [2]: l = [(chr(60+i), i) for i in range(10)]
In [3]: shuffle(l); l
[('@', 4),
('?', 3),
('A', 5),
('<', 0),
('>', 2),
('C', 7),
('E', 9),
('B', 6),
('=', 1),
('D', 8)]
In [4]: def argsort(l, field_no):
...: return (t[0] for t in sorted(enumerate(l), key=lambda x:x[1][field_no]))
In [5]: for i in argsort(l, 1): print(l[i])
('<', 0)
('=', 1)
('>', 2)
('?', 3)
('@', 4)
('A', 5)
('B', 6)
('C', 7)
('D', 8)
('E', 9)
In [6]:
Note that here argsort
returns a generator, change return (..)
return [...]
if you need a list.
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