Create Pdf With Fpdf In Python. Can Not Move Image To The Right In A Loop
Solution 1:
I see the issue. You want to specify the x
and y
location in the call to pdf.image()
. That assessment is based on the documentation for image
So you can instead do this (just showing for
loop here):
for image in onlyfiles:
pdf.cell(10, 10, 'please help me' + image, 0, 0, 'L')
y = y + 210 # to go to the next page
# increase `x` from 120 to, say, 150 to move the image to the right
pdf.image('../images/' + image, x=120, y=50, w=pdf.w/2.0, h=pdf.h/2.0)
# new -> ^^^^^ ^^^^
Solution 2:
disclaimer: I am the author of pText
the library I will use in this solution.
Let's start by creating an empty Document
pdf: Document = Document()
# create empty page
page: Page = Page()
# add page to document
Next we are going to load an Image
using Pillow
import requests
from PIL import Image as PILImage
im =
"", stream=True
Now we can create a LayoutElement
and use its layout
bounding_box=Rectangle(Decimal(20), Decimal(724), Decimal(64), Decimal(64)),
Keep in mind the origin (in PDF space) is at the lower left corner.
Lastly, we need to store the Document
# attempt to store PDF
with open("output.pdf", "wb") as out_file_handle:
PDF.dumps(out_file_handle, pdf)
You can obtain pText either on GitHub, or using PyPi There are a ton more examples, check them out to find out more about working with images.
Solution 3:
You can check pdfme library. It's the most powerful library in python to create PDF documents. You can add urls, footnotes, headers and footers, tables, anything you would need in a PDF document.
The only problem I see is that currently pdfme only supports jpg format for images. But if that's not a problem it will help you with your task.
Check the docs here.
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