Multiple Combinations Of One Column Based On Another
I have a table like this (all my id2s are different) : id1 id2 --- --- A 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 and I want to generate a list of combinations of id2 for eac
Solution 1:
Well I'm proud of me (LOL) I found something not bad. ;-)
'compte' is a SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT id1) FROM my_table
'combis' are all my combinations (eg. [(A, 1), (A, 2), (B, 3), (B, 4), (C, 5), (D, 6)]
# i generate my own list comprehension
for k in range(compte):
toto = 'a'+str(k)+'[1]' + ( ',' if k != 0 else '' ) + toto
titi = 'for a'+str(k)+' in combis ' + titi
tutu = 'a'+str(k)+'[0]' + ( '>' if k != 0 else '' ) + tutu
exec('print([['+toto+'] '+titi+'if '+tutu+'])')
Solution 2:
I suppose that the id-data comes in the following form:
combis = [('A', 1), ('A', 2), ('B', 3), ('B', 4), ('C', 5), ('D', 6)]
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import product
groups = defaultdict(list)
for id1, id2 in combis:
result = list(product(*groups.values()))
[(1, 3, 5, 6), (1, 4, 5, 6), (2, 3, 5, 6), (2, 4, 5, 6)]
Solution 3:
with combinationTable as (
select DENSE_RANK() over (Order By id1) as rn ,id2, id1 from test
select c1.id2,c2.id2,c3.id2
from combinationTable c1, combinationTable c2, combinationTable c3
c1.rn < c2.rn and
c2.rn < c3.rn
order by c1.rn,c2.rn,c3.rn
Of course the "From clause" and "Where clause" will be modified if you want to choose 4 id2 instead of 3
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