Parse URL With Regex In Python
I want to get the query name and values to be displayed from URL. For eg. url='http://host:port_num/file/path/file1.html?query1=value1&query2=value2' from this parse the query
Solution 1:
Don't use a regex! Use urlparse.
>>> import urlparse
>>> urlparse.parse_qs(urlparse.urlparse(url).query)
{'query2': ['value2'], 'query1': ['value1']}
Solution 2:
I agree that it's best not to use regex
and better to use urlparse
but here is my regex
Classes like urlparse
were developed specifically to handle all urls efficiently and are much more reliable than regex
is so make use of them if you can.
>>> x = ''
>>> query_pattern='(query\d+)=(\w+)'
>>> # query_pattern='(\w+)=(\w+)' a more general pattern
>>> re.findall(query_pattern,x)
[('query1', 'value1'), ('query2', 'value2')]
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