Understanding Condition Logic
I'm writing a python program that takes a given sentence in plan English and extracts some commands from it. It's very simple right now, but I was getting some unexpected results f
Solution 1:
Use any
screens = ("workspace" , "screen" , "desktop" , "switch")
threes = ("3" , "three", "third")
if any(x in command for x in screens) and any(x in command for x in threes):
os.system("xdotool key ctrl+alt+3")
result = True
Boolean or
x or y
is equal to : if x is false, then y, else x
In simple words: in a chain of or
conditions the first True
value is selected, if all were False
then the last one is selected.
>>> False or [] #all falsy values
>>> False or [] or {} #all falsy values
>>> False or [] or {} or 1 # all falsy values except 1
>>> "" or 0 or [] or "foo" or "bar" # "foo" and "bar" are True values
As an non-empty string is True in python, so your conditions are equivalent to:
("workspace") in command and ("3" in command)
help on any
>>> print any.__doc__
any(iterable) -> bool
Return True if bool(x) is True for any x in the iterable.
If the iterable is empty, return False.
Solution 2:
"workspace" or "screen" or "desktop" or "switch"
is an expression, which always evaluate to "workspace"
Python's object has truth value. 0
, False
, []
and ''
are false, for example. the result of an or
expression is the first expression that evaluates to true. "workspace" is "true" in this sense: it is not the empty string.
you probably meant:
"workspace" in command or "screen" in command or "desktop" in command or "switch" in command
which is a verbose way to say what @Ashwini Chaudhary has used any
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