Can't Load Calendar With Corresponding Date
from tkinter import * from tkcalendar import Calendar def get_date(): label.configure(text=str(today.get_displayed_month())) today.configure(day=str(today.get_date()))
Solution 1:
The error is because day
option is only available when you create the Calendar
instance. It is not available in configure()
If you want to update the label
whenever month is changed, you can bind on <<CalendarMonthChanged>>
event and update the label
inside the event callback:
def on_month_changed(event):
month, year = today.get_displayed_month()
label.configure(text=today._month_names[month]+' '+str(year))
today = Calendar(win, selectmode='day', year=2020, month=8, day=6)
today.bind('<<CalendarMonthChanged>>', on_month_changed)
UPDATE: If you want to select the same day after the month is changed, modify the get_date()
function as below:
import calendar
def get_date():
month, year = today.get_displayed_month()
# get the last day of selected month
_, lastday = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
# make sure day is valid day in selected month
day = min(, lastday)
# select the day in selected month
today.selection_set(, month, day))
UPDATE 2: Below is an example to update the calendar when a date is selected via tkcalendar.DateEntry
from tkinter import *
from tkcalendar import Calendar, DateEntry
def date_selected(event):
date = date_entry.get_date()
win = Tk()
win.title('Calendar Picker')
date_entry = DateEntry(win, date_pattern='y-mm-dd', state='readonly')
date_entry.bind('<<DateEntrySelected>>', date_selected)
cal = Calendar(win, selectmode='day', date_pattern='y-mm-dd')
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