How Convert An Int64 To Minutes ? Python Pandas
I would like to transform this column (format int64) to a minutes format to do calculation Duration(min) 10 30 5 15 5 I tried this: df['Duration(min)'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Durati
Solution 1:
You need to use pd.to_timedelta
pd.to_timedelta(df['Duration(min)'], unit='min')
0 0 days 00:10:00
1 0 days 00:30:00
2 0 days 00:05:00
3 0 days 00:15:00
4 0 days 00:05:00
Name: Duration(min), dtype: timedelta64[ns]
->‘m’ / ‘minute’ / ‘min’ / ‘minutes’ / ‘T’
all are shorthand for minutes.
Solution 2:
Using pd.to_datetime with strftime -
pd.to_datetime(df.Duration(min), unit='m').dt.strftime('%H:%M')
0 00:10
1 00:30
2 00:05
3 00:15
4 00:05
dtype: object
Solution 3:
Why %H%M when all you have is minutes? Try format='%M'.
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