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How Do I Set Subdirectory In Nginx With Django

Environment: uwsgi nginx django 1.3 I'm using the domain with Django and nginx, and I want to access the Django by , but I don't know how to

Solution 1:

According to the uWSGI on Nginx docs, you just have to pass the SCRIPT_NAME to django.

location /abc {
    include uwsgi_params;
    uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /abc;            

Django will still "see" /abc, but it should deal with it so that it gets stripped off before your urls are matched. You want this to happen, if django didn't see /abc, it would generate incorrect urls for your site and none of your links would work.

Solution 2:

Now that uwsgi_modifier1 30 is removed in the latest versions of Nginx and uWSGI, I had to use a newer method to get it working:

uWSGI config:

route-run = fixpathinfo:

Nginx config:

location /abc {
    include uwsgi_params;
    uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /abc; # Pass the URL prefix to uWSGI so the "fixpathinfo:" route-rule can strip it out

IF THAT DOESN'T FIX IT: Try installing libpcre and libpcre-dev, then reinstall uwsgi with pip install -I --no-cache-dir uwsgi. uWSGI's internal routing subsystem requires the PCRE library to be installed before uWSGI is compiled/installed. More information on uWSGI and PCRE.

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