PHP And Python On Amazon Ec2
Solution 1:
After a lot of "scratching my head", I finally figured it out.
First of all you will need to figure out current user who is executing the php. You can either check out file or use
$processUser = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid());
print $processUser['name'];
This will give you the user who is executing the code. In my case it was apache
rather than www-data
(I shouldn't have assumed so in first place).
After that you will need to edit the sudoers
file (etc/sudoers)
Add the lines over there.
You can use @Janith's code, if you want to be specific.
apache ALL=NOPASSWD:/var/www/
apache ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/python
or you can simply add
(You probably should just specify the path).
Then execute the script through php.
Solution 2:
This is permission problem to access python file. When you running it through server python script access as apache user(most probably www-data). So apache user doesn't having privilege to execute the python file.
What you can do it is run this command as sudo and add all necessary access to apache user(www-data) in /etc/sudoers file as below sample.
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:/var/www/
www-data ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/python
This is just the sample, you should change this line as according to your environment.
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