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Split Text In Cells And Create Additional Rows For The Tokens

Let's suppose that I have the following in a DataFrame in pandas: id text 1 I am the first document and I am very happy. 2 Here is the second document and it likes playing ten

Solution 1:

You can use something like:

def divide_chunks(l, n): 
    # looping till length l 
    for i in range(0, len(l), n):  
        yield l[i:i + n] 

Then using unnesting:

df['text_new']=df.text.apply(lambda x: list(divide_chunks(x.split(),3)))
df_new.text_new=df_new.text_new.apply(' '.join)

              text_new  id
0             I am the   1
0   first document and   1
0            I am very   1
0               happy.   1
1          Here is the   2
1  second document and   2
1     it likes playing   2
1              tennis.   2
2          This is the   3
2   third document and   3
2        it looks very   3
2          good today.   3


m=(pd.DataFrame(df.text.apply(lambda x: list(divide_chunks(x.split(),3))).values.tolist())
.unstack().sort_index(level=1).apply(' '.join).reset_index(level=1))

   id                 text
0   0             I am the
1   0   first document and
2   0            I am very
3   0               happy.
0   1          Here is the
1   1  second document and
2   1     it likes playing
3   1              tennis.
0   2          This is the
1   2   third document and
2   2        it looks very
3   2          good today.

Solution 2:

A self contained solution, maybe a little slower:

# Split every n words
n = 3

# incase id is not index yet
df.set_index('id', inplace=True)

new_df = df.text.str.split(' ', expand=True).stack().reset_index()

new_df = (new_df.groupby(['id', new_df.level_1//n])[0]
                .apply(lambda x: ' '.join(x))
                .reset_index(level=1, drop=True)

new_df is a series:

1               I am the
1     first document and
1              I am very
1                 happy.
2            Here is the
2    second document and
2       it likes playing
2                tennis.
3            This is the
3     third document and
3          it looks very
3            good today.
Name: 0, dtype: object

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