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How To Decode Jpg Image From Memory?

I can read a jpg image from disk via PIL, Python OpenCV, etc. into a numpy array via some built-in functions such as (in the case of OpenCV) arr= cv2.imread(filename). But how do I

Solution 1:

Assuming that you are storing the image data in your db as a string, you first need to construct a numpy array from that string that can later be converted to an image using cv2.imdecode. For example:

img = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(img_data, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)

Solution 2:

for python3 use this way

from scipy import misc
f= open('file.png', 'rb')
fs =
likefile = io.BytesIO(fs)
face1 = misc.imread(likefile)

python2 has StringIO

Solution 3:

Fetching Images from Url to Jpg

    import requests
    from io import BytesIO

    response = requests.get("")
    my_img_In_byts = BytesIO(response.content).read()


    my_fprinter = open(path, mode='wb')
    print( my_fprinter .write(my_img_In_byts))

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