Inserting Data Into A SQL Server From An Excel File
First of all, sorry for my lack of knowledge regarding databases, this is my first time working with them. I am having some issues trying to get the data from an excel file and put
Solution 1:
Try this, you seem to have changed the library from pyodbc to mysql, it seems to expect %s instead of ?
import pymysql
import pandas as pd
connStr = pymysql.connect(host = '', port = xxxx, user = 'xxxx', password = 'xxxxxxxxxxx')
df = pd.read_csv('GenericProducts.csv')
cursor = connStr.cursor()
query = "INSERT INTO [Productos]([ItemID],[Nombre]) values (%s,%s)"
for index,row in df.iterrows():
#cursor.execute("INSERT INTO dbo.Productos([ItemID],[Nombre]) values (%s,%s)", row['codigoEspecificoProducto'], row['nombreProducto'])
codigoEspecificoProducto = row['codigoEspecificoProducto']
nombreProducto = row['nombreProducto']
values = (codigoEspecificoProducto,nombreProducto)
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