Map Column Birthdates In Python Pandas Df To Astrology Signs
I have a dataframe with a column that includes individuals' birthdays. I would like to map that column to the individuals' astrology sign using code I found (below). I am having tr
Solution 1:
Change previous answer by Series.dt.month_name
with lowercase strings:
def zodiac_sign(day, month):
# checks month and date within the valid range
# of a specified zodiac
if month == 'december':
return 'Sagittarius' if (day < 22) else 'capricorn'
elif month == 'january':
return 'Capricorn' if (day < 20) else 'aquarius'
elif month == 'february':
return 'Aquarius' if (day < 19) else 'pisces'
elif month == 'march':
return 'Pisces' if (day < 21) else 'aries'
elif month == 'april':
return 'Aries' if (day < 20) else 'taurus'
elif month == 'may':
return 'Taurus' if (day < 21) else 'gemini'
elif month == 'june':
return 'Gemini' if (day < 21) else 'cancer'
elif month == 'july':
return 'Cancer' if (day < 23) else 'leo'
elif month == 'august':
return 'Leo' if (day < 23) else 'virgo'
elif month == 'september':
return 'Virgo' if (day < 23) else 'libra'
elif month == 'october':
return 'Libra' if (day < 23) else 'scorpio'
elif month == 'november':
return 'scorpio' if (day < 22) else 'sagittarius'
dates = pd.to_datetime(astrology['birthdate'])
y = dates.dt.year
now = pd.to_datetime('now').year
astrology = astrology.assign(month = dates.dt.month_name().str.lower(),
day =,
year = y.mask(y > now, y - 100))
print (astrology)
birthdate answer YEAR MONTH-DAY month day year
0 1970-03-31 5 1970 03-31 march 31 1970
1 1970-05-25 9 1970 05-25 may 25 1970
2 1970-06-05 3 1970 06-05 june 5 1970
3 1970-08-28 2 1970 08-28 august 28 1970
astrology['sign'] = astrology.apply(lambda x: zodiac_sign(x['day'], x['month']), axis=1)
print (astrology)
birthdate answer YEAR MONTH-DAY month day year sign
0 1970-03-31 5 1970 03-31 march 31 1970 aries
1 1970-05-25 9 1970 05-25 may 25 1970 gemini
2 1970-06-05 3 1970 06-05 june 5 1970 Gemini
3 1970-08-28 2 1970 08-28 august 28 1970 virgo
Solution 2:
You can apply the zodiac_sign
function to the dataframe as -
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
# Sample
x = StringIO("""birthdate,answer,YEAR,MONTH-DAY
df = pd.read_csv(x, sep=',')
df['birthdate'] = pd.to_datetime(df['birthdate'])
df['zodiac_sign'] = df['birthdate'].apply(lambda x: zodiac_sign(, x.strftime("%B").lower()))
birthdate answer YEAR MONTH-DAY zodiac_sign
0 1970-03-31 5 1970 03-31 aries
1 1970-05-25 9 1970 05-25 gemini
2 1970-06-05 3 1970 06-05 Gemini
3 1970-08-28 2 1970 08-28 virgo
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