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Webdriverprefs.json Not Found - Pyinstaller

I have a python program which uses selenium package, and when creating an exe from this using pyinstaller it creates the exe correctly. When trying to open firefox from this app I

Solution 1:

I found a solution for same, when freezing scripts to exe don't use --onefile , use --onedir instead , it will generate one folder for all files and then copy selenium folder in path c:\python27\lib\site-packages\selenium to your app folder and it works correctly

Solution 2:

simply include these (.json & .xpi) files as arbitrary files in your .spec file.

here's what worked for me (you might need to change the paths):

needed_selenium_files = [(r'selenium\webdriver\firefox\webdriver_prefs.json',

and later on:

coll = COLLECT(exe, a.binaries, needed_selenium_files, ...)

read more on PyInstaller Manual: and

Solution 3:

In my experience, pyinstaller always messes something up when creating executables. I suggest that you use py2exe instead.

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