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Which Python Package Owns A Binary?

I'm having problems with ~/.local/share/miniconda3/envs/nndl/bin/tput - it produces output different to my system version, breaking some ANSI colouring. I'm trying to track down th

Solution 1:

One ugly solution is:

  1. Rename the file
  2. Re-install all installed packages one-by-one until the file reappears

Solution 2:

To find which package some file belongs to in a mixed conda/pip environment

  1. search which package installed by pip contains filename:
pip list | tail -n +3 | cut -d" " -f1 | xargs pip show -f | grep filename_to_find
  1. but if it was installed via conda you have to do this instead:
grep filename_to_find  ~/anaconda3/envs/ENVNAME/conda-meta/*
  • replace filename_to_find with the filename you need
  • replace ~/anaconda3 with the path where your conda resides
  • replace ENVNAME with the conda env name you want

(the first recipe is from OP)

Solution 3:

which python

It should give you the right path

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