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Showing posts from December, 2022

Django REST Framework Serialization POST Is Slow

I am running on Django 2.1.1 and Python 3.6.5 and am performing a reasonably large POST operation (… Read more Django REST Framework Serialization POST Is Slow

Scikit-Learn One-hot-encode Before Or After Train/test Split

I am looking at two scenarios building a model using scikit-learn and I can not figure out why one … Read more Scikit-Learn One-hot-encode Before Or After Train/test Split

Algorithm For Recursive Function For Permutations With Replacement In Python

So using the itertools module I'm able to code up a really slick bit of code for producing all … Read more Algorithm For Recursive Function For Permutations With Replacement In Python

BdbQuit Raised When Debugging Python With Pdb

Recently when adding the pdb debugger to my Python 2.7.10 code, I get this message: Traceback (most… Read more BdbQuit Raised When Debugging Python With Pdb

Pyside, PyQt4: How To Set A Validator When Editing A Cell In A QTableView

In QLineEdit objects I can set a RegExp validator like this: validator = QtGui.QRegExpValidator(QtC… Read more Pyside, PyQt4: How To Set A Validator When Editing A Cell In A QTableView

Saving Json Files Into One Single Csv

I have 100s of similar json files and I want to save the contents of these json files into one sing… Read more Saving Json Files Into One Single Csv

Compare A Column Between 2 Csv Files And Write Differences Using Python

I am trying to print out the differences by comparing a column between 2 csv files. CSV1: SERVER, … Read more Compare A Column Between 2 Csv Files And Write Differences Using Python

How Can I Add Field In Serializer?

Below is my file: from rest_framework import serializers class TaskListSerializer(s… Read more How Can I Add Field In Serializer?

Merge Pandas Dataframe With Key Duplicates

I have 2 dataframes, both have a key column which could have duplicates, but the dataframes mostly … Read more Merge Pandas Dataframe With Key Duplicates

Read Files Into A Dictionary In Python

What am I doing wrong when I am trying to read these into a dictionary? I am getting this error whe… Read more Read Files Into A Dictionary In Python

Reading Documents From File When Using Sklearn.feature_extraction.text CountVectorizer

I am able to use code as in the example from the documentation, where the input to the fit_transfor… Read more Reading Documents From File When Using Sklearn.feature_extraction.text CountVectorizer

Skip Numpy __new__ In Ndarray Subclass (or Possibly Overriding/defining Classes In C Or Cython)

Ultimate goal: have isinstance(MyClass(), np.ndarray) and issubclass(MyClass, np.ndarray) both retu… Read more Skip Numpy __new__ In Ndarray Subclass (or Possibly Overriding/defining Classes In C Or Cython)

How To Refer To A Standard Library In A Logging Configuration File?

I need to use a constant defined in the standard library socket in a logging configuration file. Pr… Read more How To Refer To A Standard Library In A Logging Configuration File?

Graphene-Django Filenaming Conventions

I'm rebuilding a former Django REST API project as a GraphQL one. I now have queries & mut… Read more Graphene-Django Filenaming Conventions

Flask Routes Other Than '/' Not Being Served By Apache

So I should preface this by saying I am new to Flask, Apache, and web serving so I apologize in adv… Read more Flask Routes Other Than '/' Not Being Served By Apache

How To Work With HEIC Image File Types In Python

The High Efficiency Image File (HEIF) format is the default when airdropping an image from an iPhon… Read more How To Work With HEIC Image File Types In Python

Python Csv Library Leaves Empty Rows Even When Using A Valid Lineterminator

I am trying to fetch data from the internet to save it to a csv file. I am facing a problem with wr… Read more Python Csv Library Leaves Empty Rows Even When Using A Valid Lineterminator

Gtk3 Replace Child Widget With Another Widget

I'm looking for a way to remove a widget from its parent (whatever that may be - a VBox, a Grid… Read more Gtk3 Replace Child Widget With Another Widget

Python Removing Duplicates And Saving The Result

I am trying to remove duplicates of 3-column tab-delimited txt file, but as long as the first two c… Read more Python Removing Duplicates And Saving The Result

Python Removing Duplicates And Saving The Result

I am trying to remove duplicates of 3-column tab-delimited txt file, but as long as the first two c… Read more Python Removing Duplicates And Saving The Result

Python Removing Duplicates And Saving The Result

I am trying to remove duplicates of 3-column tab-delimited txt file, but as long as the first two c… Read more Python Removing Duplicates And Saving The Result

Incorrect Integer Value Error

I am trying to enter some values from some lists I have into a table in MySQL in Python. I have wri… Read more Incorrect Integer Value Error

Python Variable Contents Changed By Function When No Change Is Intended

Here is a sample of code where a function is run repeatedly with new information for most of the in… Read more Python Variable Contents Changed By Function When No Change Is Intended

Python Fails To Compare Strings

I'm facing a strange problem in python. I have a maze, x's stand for walls, g is a goal, s … Read more Python Fails To Compare Strings