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Create A Compress Function In Python?

I need to create a function called compress that compresses a string by replacing any repeated letters with a letter and number. My function should return the shortened version of

Solution 1:

Here is a short python implementation of a compression function:

def compress(string):

    res = ""

    count = 1

    #Add in first character
    res += string[0]

    #Iterate through loop, skipping last one
    for i in range(len(string)-1):
        if(string[i] == string[i+1]):
            if(count > 1):
                #Ignore if no repeats
                res += str(count)
            res += string[i+1]
            count = 1
    #print last one
    if(count > 1):
        res += str(count)
    return res

Here are a few examples:

>>> compress("ddaaaff")
>>> compress("daaaafffyy")
>>> compress("mississippi")

Solution 2:

Short version with generators:

from itertools import groupby
import re
def compress(string):
    return re.sub(r'(?<![0-9])[1](?![0-9])', '', ''.join('%s%s' % (char, sum(1 for _ in group)) for char, group in groupby(string)))

(1) Grouping by chars with groupby(string)

(2) Counting length of group with sum(1 for _ in group) (because no len on group is possible)

(3) Joining into proper format

(4) Removing 1 chars for single items when there is a no digit before and after 1

Solution 3:

There are several reasons why this doesn't work. You really need to try debugging this yourself first. Put in a few print statements to trace the execution. For instance:

def compress(s):

    for i in range(0, len(s)):
        print "Checking character", i, s[i]
        if s[i] == s[i-1]:
            count += 1
        c = s.count(s[i])
        print "Found", s[i], c, "times"

    return str(s[i]) + str(c)

print compress("ddaaaff")

Here's the output:

Checking character 0 d
Found d 2 times
Checking character 1 d
Found d 2 times
Checking character 2 a
Found a 3 times
Checking character 3 a
Found a 3 times
Checking character 4 a
Found a 3 times
Checking character 5 f
Found f 2 times
Checking character 6 f
Found f 2 times

Process finished with exit code 0

(1) You throw away the results of all but the last letter's search. (2) You count all occurrences, not merely the consecutive ones. (3) You cast a string to a string -- redundant.

Try working through this example with pencil and paper. Write down the steps you use, as a human being, to parse the string. Work on translating those to Python.

Solution 4:

res = ""
count = 0
while (len(x) > 0):
    count = 1
    res= ""
    for j in range(1, len(x)):
        if x[0]==x[j]:
            count= count + 1
            res = res + x[j]
    print(x[0], count, end=" ")

Solution 5:

Just another simplest way to perform this:

def compress(str1):
    output = ''
    initial = str1[0]
    output = output + initial
    count = 1
    for item in str1[1:]:
        if item == initial:
            count = count + 1
            if count == 1:
                count = ''
            output = output + str(count)
            count = 1
            initial = item
            output = output + item
    print (output)

Which gives the output as required, examples:

>> compress("aaaaaaaccddddeehhyiiiuuo")

>> compress("lllhhjuuuirrdtt")

>> compress("mississippi")

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