Python Database Insert
I've been trying to parse a text file (opened with parameter encoding='utf8') and insert extracted values into an mdb database using pyodbc module. I have tried the code below: for
Solution 1:
You don't put quotes around the strings which you want to insert. Assuming the "Freq" row is of type INTEGER:
stmt = """
INSERT INTO Entries (PForm, WForm, Code, Freq, Pattern)
VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %s, '%s')
params = tuple(t for t in tokens)
conn.execute(stmt % params)
But anyway, you shouldn't be formatting an INSERT
statement like this. Doesn't the library you're using provide a facility to parameterize statements ? Something like this:
conn.execute("INSERT INTO Foo VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (foo, bar, baz))
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