Beautiful Soup 'ResultSet' Object Has No Attribute 'text'
Solution 1:
returns a ResultSet object which you can iterate over using a for
loop. What you can do is:
for wrapper in body.find_all('div', {"class":"wrapper"}):
print wrapper.text
Solution 2:
If you'll type:
you'll see body
is <class 'bs4.element.ResultSet'>
It means all the elements that match the class. You can either iterate over them:
for div in body:
Or if you know you only have div, you can use find
div = soup.find('div', {"class":"wrapper"})
Solution 3:
Probably should have posted as answer.. so as stated in the comments almost verbatim
Your code should be the following:
for div in body:
print div.text
Or some naming schema to your preference thereof.
The find_all
method returns a generated list ( loosely using the term list here ) of items that beautifulsoup has found matching your criteria after parsing the source webpages html either recursively or non-recursively depending upon how you search.
As the error says the resulting set of objects has no attribute text, since it isn't an element but rather a collection of them. However, the items inside the resulting set ( should any be found ) do.
You can view the documentation here
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