Error Using L-BFGS-B In Scipy
Solution 1:
BFGS method is one of those method that relies on not only the function value, but also the gradient and Hessian (think of it as first and second derivative if you wish). In your func1()
, once you have round()
in it, the gradient is no longer continuous. BFGS method therefore fails right after the 1st iteration (think of as this: BFGS searched around the starting parameter and found the gradient is not changed, so it stopped). Similarly, I would expect other methods requiring gradient fail as BGFS.
You may be able to get it working by precondition or rescaling X. But better yet, you should try gradient free method such as 'Nelder-Mead' or 'Powell'
Solution 2:
and int
create step functions, which are not differentiable. The l-bfgs-b method is for solving smooth optimization problems. It uses an approximate gradient (if you don't give it an explicit one), and that will be garbage if the function has steps.
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