How To Get Frames From Video In Parallel Using Cv2 & Multiprocessing In Python
I've been working with cv2 & multiprocessing in python, and I finally have a working script that does stuff to the individual frames once they are already in an input queue. Ho
Solution 1:
There is indeed a mistake in the code : the use of the same VideoCapture
object across processes. Obviously there's a conflict on the position currently being read in the file.
This being said, when trying to instantiate one VideoCapture per process, my interpreter crashes (tested with python3.4.2
+ opencv3.0.0-beta
, and python2.7.6
+ opencv2.4.8
). Here's my try so far if you want to check it / go further.
import cv2
import multiprocessing as mp
def getFrame(queue, startFrame, endFrame):
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(file) # crashes here
print("opened capture {}".format(mp.current_process()))
for frame in range(startFrame, endFrame):
# cap.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, frame) # opencv3
cap.set(, frame)
# frameNo = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES)) # opencv3
frameNo = int(cap.get(
ret, f =
if ret:
print("{} - put ({})".format(mp.current_process(), frameNo))
queue.put((frameNo, f))
file = ""
capture_temp = cv2.VideoCapture(file)
# fileLen = int((capture_temp).get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT)) # opencv3
fileLen = int((capture_temp).get(
# get cpuCount for processCount
# processCount = mp.cpu_count() / 3
processCount = 2
inQ1 = mp.JoinableQueue() # not sure if this is right queue type, but I also tried mp.Queue()
inQ2 = mp.JoinableQueue()
qList = [inQ1, inQ2]
# set up bunches
bunches = []
for startFrame in range(0, fileLen, int(fileLen / processCount)):
endFrame = startFrame + int(fileLen / processCount)
bunches.append((startFrame, endFrame))
getFrames = []
for i in range(processCount):
getFrames.append(mp.Process(target=getFrame, args=(qList[i], bunches[i][0], bunches[i][1])))
for process in getFrames:
results1 = [inQ1.get() for p in range(bunches[0][0], bunches[0][1])]
results2 = [inQ2.get() for p in range(bunches[1][0], bunches[1][1])]
for process in getFrames:
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