How To Parse XML Using Python
Solution 1:
I'd not use minidom for this task; the DOM API is very cumbersome, verbose, and not suited for searching and matching.
The Python library also includes the xml.etree.ElementTree
API, I'd use that instead:
from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
tree = ET.parse(r'D:\Squish\squish results\Results-On-2013-01-18_0241 PM.xml')
tests = dict()
# Find all <test> elements with a <verification> child:
for test in tree.findall('.//test[verification]'):
passed = len(test.findall(".//result[@type='PASS']"))
failed = len(test.findall(".//result[@type='FAIL']"))
tests[test.attrib['name']] = {'pass': passed, 'fail': failed}
The above piece of code counts the number of passed and failed tests per <test>
element and stores them in a dictionary, keyed to the name
attribute of the <test>
I've tested the above code with Python 3.2 and the full XML document from another question you posted, which results in:
{'tst_Setup_menu_2': {'fail': 0, 'pass': 8}}
Solution 2:
Thanks for the posting. i got it working using minidon. still wish to see how can be solved using xml.etree.ElementTree
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom as XY
file = open("Result_Summary.txt", "w")
#tree = XY.parse('D:\\Squish\\squish results\\Results-On-2013-01-18_0241 PM.xml')
#print (str(sys.argv[1]))
tree = XY.parse(sys.argv[1])
Test_name = tree.getElementsByTagName('test')
count_testname =0
file.write('Test Name \t\t\t No:PASS\t\t\t No:FAIL\t \n\n')
for my_Test_name in Test_name:
count_testname = count_testname+1
my_Test_name_final = my_Test_name.getAttribute('name')
if(count_testname > 1):
my_Test_status = my_Test_name.getElementsByTagName('result')
passcount = 0
failcount = 0
for my_Test_status_1 in my_Test_status:
my_Test_status_final = my_Test_status_1.getAttribute('type')
if(my_Test_status_final == 'PASS'):
passcount = passcount+1
if(my_Test_status_final == 'FAIL'):
failcount = failcount+1
# print(failcount)
#print ('loop count: %d' %count_testname)
#print('PASS count: %s' %passcount)
#print('FAIL count: %s' %failcount)
Solution 3:
Although not a standard module but well worth the effort of installing is lxml especially if you want to do fast Xml parsing etc IMHO.
Without a full example of your results I guessed at what they would look like.
from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse("results.xml")
count_result_type = etree.XPath("count(.//result[@type = $name])")
for test in tree.xpath("//test"):
print test.attrib['name']
print "\t# FAILS ", count_result_type(test, name="FAIL")
print "\t# PASSES", count_result_type(test, name="PASS")
I generated the following running against my guess of your xml, which should give you an idea of what is happening.
# FAILS 1.0
# PASSES 1.0
# FAILS 0.0
# PASSES 1.0
# FAILS 0.0
# PASSES 1.0
# FAILS 0.0
# PASSES 1.0
What I like about lxml is how expressive it can be, YMMV.
Solution 4:
I see you are using Squish. You should check your squish folder under \examples\regressiontesting. There you can find a file called Here you can find an example of converting squish test results into html.
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