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JQuery Client Won't Accept My Server Responses

Some days ago I wrote a python web service with flask to send some JSON-Data between my phone (android app) and my server. Everything worked fine: I could send and receive data via

Solution 1:

After some days(!) of research I finally found the very simple solution: HTTP access control (CORS).

Long story short - the following code fixed the problem.

I had to take the following steps on my server:

1.) Activate headers module for apache:

server# a2enmod mod_headers

2.) Modify VirtualHost file "myservice.conf" on my server and add the following line between.

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

3.) Check for any errors in your file:

server# apachectl -t

4.) reload and restart apache

server# service apache2 reload && service apache2 restart

5.) Enjoy the server client connection!

Hope I could help anyone who has the same problem!!

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