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Passing Html Element Using To_html In Flask

I have a dataframe that contains a column containing something element. In a flask application, I passed this data to a template using df.to_html(),

Solution 1:

To enable showing the characters <, >, and & signs in to_html() method, we need to change the escape attribute to False. Because by default to_html method converts the characters <, >, and & to HTML-safe sequences. Also we need to use safe filter in the template file to show the tags inside the table.

As you have already found how to show the HTML properly in Flask template, I am giving an example of the operation for future readers. contains a dataframe with html tags which we want to render in the template:

import pandas as pd
from flask import Flask, render_template

def get_panda_data():
    tags = ["<h1>Example header</h1>",
            '<div style="color: red;">Example div</div>',
            '<input type="text" name="example_form" \
placeholder="Example input form">'
    pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', -1)
    tags_frame = pd.DataFrame(tags, columns = ["Tag Example"])
    tags_html = tags_frame.to_html(escape=False)
    return tags_html    

app = Flask(__name__)

def index():
    html_data = get_panda_data()
    return render_template("dataframe_example.html", html_data = html_data)

if __name__ == '__main__': = True)

Then in template file which is dataframe_example.html we can easily show the data table generated by pandas to_html method:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Dataframe Flask Example</title>
    <h1>Dataframe Flask Example</h1>
        {{ html_data | safe }}

The output looks like:


Solution 2:

I realized that I had to utilize the option to_html(escape=False) to solve this problem

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