How To Eliminate Duplicate List Entries In Python While Preserving Case-sensitivity?
Solution 1:
This does not preserve the order of words
, but it does produce a list of "unique" words with a preference for capitalized ones.
In [34]: words = ['Hello', 'hello', 'world', 'world', 'poland', 'Poland', ]
In [35]: wordset = set(words)
In [36]: [item for item in wordset if item.istitle() or item.title() not in wordset]
Out[36]: ['world', 'Poland', 'Hello']
If you wish to preserve the order as they appear in words
, then you could use a collections.OrderedDict:
In [43]: wordset = collections.OrderedDict()
In [44]: wordset = collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys(words)
In [46]: [item for item in wordset if item.istitle() or item.title() not in wordset]
Out[46]: ['Hello', 'world', 'Poland']
Solution 2:
Using set
to track seen words:
def uniq(words):
seen = set()
for word in words:
l = word.lower() # Use `word.casefold()` if possible. (3.3+)
if l in seen:
yield word
>>> list(uniq(['Hello', 'hello', 'world', 'world', 'Poland', 'poland']))
['Hello', 'world', 'Poland']
Previous version does not take care of preference of uppercase over lowercase. In the updated version I used the min
as @TheSoundDefense did.
import collections
def uniq(words):
seen = collections.OrderedDict() # Use {} if the order is not important.
for word in words:
l = word.lower() # Use `word.casefold()` if possible (3.3+)
seen[l] = min(word, seen.get(l, word))
return seen.values()
Solution 3:
Since an uppercase letter is "smaller" than a lowercase letter in a comparison, I think you can do this:
orig_list = ["Hello", "hello", "world", "world", "Poland", "poland"]
unique_list = []
for word in orig_list:
for i in range(len(unique_list)):
if unique_list[i].lower() == word.lower():
unique_list[i] = min(word, unique_list[i])
The min
will have a preference for words with uppercase letters earlier on.
Solution 4:
Some better answers here, but hopefully something simple, different and useful. This code satisfies the conditions of your test, sequential pairs of matching words, but would fail on anything more complicated; such as non-sequential pairs, non-pairs or non-strings. Anything more complicated and I'd take a different approach.
p1 = ['Hello', 'hello', 'world', 'world', 'Poland', 'poland']
p2 = ['hello', 'Hello', 'world', 'world', 'Poland', 'Poland']
def pref_upper(p):
q = []
a = 0
b = 1
for x in range(len(p) /2):
if p[a][0].isupper() and p[b][0].isupper():
if p[a][0].isupper() and p[b][0].islower():
if p[a][0].islower() and p[b][0].isupper():
if p[a][0].islower() and p[b][0].islower():
a +=2
b +=2
return q
print pref_upper(p1)
print pref_upper(p2)
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