How To Get Top 5 Reason For Each Airline?
I need the top 5 reasons for each airline only. I managed to get the crosstab for all airlines but it is not sorted and it displayed all the reasons. How can I narrow my results? p
Solution 1:
This is not the best solution but it does the job.
top_n = 5
gb = df.groupby(['airline', 'negativereason']).size().reset_index(name='freq')
df_tops = gb.groupby('airline').apply(lambda x: x.nlargest(top_n, ['freq'])).reset_index(drop=True)
It requires 2 steps. First is to calculate the frequencies for each negativereason per airline, second is to take top_n reasons based on frequency.
Solution 2:
I managed to get the count of each negativereason for each flight. But I still can't get the top 5 results of each airline, sorted from highest to lowest.
count = df.groupby(['airline','negativereason']).size()
>airline negativereason
>American Bad Flight 87
> Can't Tell 198
> Cancelled Flight 246
> Customer Service Issue 768
> Damaged Luggage 12
> Flight Attendant Complaints 87
> Flight Booking Problems 130
> Late Flight 249
> Lost Luggage 149
> longlines 34
>Delta Bad Flight 64
> Can't Tell 186
> Cancelled Flight 51
> Customer Service Issue 199
> Damaged Luggage 11
> Flight Attendant Complaints 60
> Flight Booking Problems 44
> Late Flight 269
> Lost Luggage 57
> longlines 14
Solution 3:
One approach:
,Bad Flight,Cant Tell, Cancelled Flight,Customer Service Issue,Damaged Luggage,Flight Attendant Complaints,Flight Booking Problems,Late Flight,Lost Luggage,Longlines Airline
US Airways,104,246,189,811,11,123,122,453,154,50
import pandas as pd
air = pd.read_csv("airlines.csv", index_col = 0)
print(" ")
american5 = air.loc["American"].sort_values(ascending = False).get(range(5))
Bad Flight Cant Tell Cancelled Flight Customer Service Issue Damaged Luggage Flight Attendant Complaints Flight Booking Problems Late Flight Lost Luggage Longlines Airline
American 87 198 246 768 12 87 130 249 149 34
Delta 64 186 51 199 11 60 44 269 57 14
Southwest 90 159 162 391 14 38 61 152 90 29
US Airways 104 246 189 811 11 123 122 453 154 50
United 216 379 181 681 22 168 144 525 269 48
Customer Service Issue 768
Late Flight 249
Canceled Flight 246
Cant Tell 198
Lost Luggage 149
Name: American, dtype: int64
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