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How To Restrict My Students To Don't Access Teacher Area In Django?

I'm creating a website where there is two types of users, Students and Teachers. I had created one register and login page for authentication. Now by default all the users who sig

Solution 1:

You can create your own view decorator that checks that a user is a member of a group

from django.contrib.auth.decorators import user_passes_test

def is_teacher(user):
    return user.groups.filter(name='Teacher').exists()

def my_view(request)

Docs for user_passes_test

Then all you have to do is create a Group with name "Teacher" and add teachers to that group

Solution 2:

Try using the is_staff field from built-in User model. For teachers, set it to true and for children set it to false. On the basis of it decide the rights given to each. Hope it helps.

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