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Winsound Not Found In Python

I have this error. Can anyone advise? Python 2.7.10 (default, Jun 1 2015, 18:05:38) [GCC 4.9.2] on cygwin Type 'help', 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information. &

Solution 1:

I've two python version installed on my windows laptop. 3.x and 2.7.x There will not be any issue as long as:

  1. You install two version in different folders
  2. Setup windows PATH variable correctly for each Python version.

I have seen from my own experience that better option is to remove PATH for python not in use. For example I am not using 3.x so I removed PATH for it. You can always set it up later

Python for windows has MSI installer that has winsound built in (same way I installed).

Alternately, If you don't wish to install another version of PYTHON and then you may want to look at alternative to winsound.
I am assuming you need to use winsound in order to play an audio sound. In that case you can look at other modules that play sound file and use existing python on cygwin.
Some of them are
pydub pip install pydub

pyaudio pip install pyaudio

pygame pip install pygame

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