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Apache2 Error Log. Call To 'site.addsitedir()' Failed For '(null)', Stopping

I would like to connect Python and Apache 2 server in Ubuntu. So aws have to enter the following code ubuntu server. pip install Django sudo apt-get install appache2 sudo apt-get

Solution 1:

Don't use mod_wsgi 4.3.0. It is very old and has an issue from memory with providing multiple directories to python-path. Alternatively use:

WSGIDaemonProcess bot python-home=/home/ubuntu/Django/myvenv python-path=/home/ubuntu/Django/bot

You shouldn't be using site-packages with python-path. That is not the recommended way and hasn't been since mod_wsgi 3.3.

For more details on using virtual environments, see:

If after using pip install mod_wsgi it doesn't show latest mod_wsgi, it is because you didn't disable/uninstall the system mod_wsgi package. You would need to have manually configured Apache to load the newer mod_wsgi as well, by running mod_wsgi-express module-config and taking the output and add it to Apache configuration.

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