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ImportError: No Module Named 'cv2' Python3

I have such a problem (face_det) user@pc:~$ python3 Python 3.5.3 (default, Apr 22 2017, 00:00:00) [GCC 4.8.4] on linux Type 'help', 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more in

Solution 1:


pip3 install opencv-python

to get the cv2. I'm not sure when opencv-python became available. I'd been building opencv by hand, but when I looked a few weeks ago, there it was. I'm using cv2 with Python3 in a VM that's running ubuntu/trusty64.

Solution 2:


sudo python3.5 -m pip install opencv-python

It worked for me

Solution 3:

Your conda openCV is installed for use by your home python2.7. Your opencv installed via pip3 is for use in your face_det virtual environment. It doesn't look like you're in that virtual environment when you opened python3 in the first code block. Try

source activate face_det
import cv2

Solution 4:

Solution 5:

I had a similar problem and the same error. In my case, I was using PyCharm. The problem was that the project's interpreter was pointing to a different installation of Python.

In my system, I had four versions of python (eg. python3 installed in a python36 folder, another python in an anaconda3 folder and others). In my PyCharm project, when I examined my settings (under File->Settings->Project:xxxx ->Project interpreter), I found that they were pointing to the interpreter in the anaconda3 folder.

However, my default pip installed the opencv-python module under the python36 folder. Therefore, I just had to change the project interpreter to point to the python installed in python36 folder and it worked.

If you would like to keep using Anaconda3 then you have to browse to the anaconda3 folder and run pip install opencv-python in that folder.

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