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Python Pandas: Apply A Function With Arguments To A Series. Update

I would like to apply a function with argument to a pandas series: I have found two different solution of SO: python pandas: apply a function with arguments to a series and Passin

Solution 1:

The TypeError is saying that you passed the wrong type to the lambda function x + y. It's expecting the args to be a sequence, but it got an int. You may have thought that (100) was a tuple (a sequence), but in python it's the comma that makes a tuple:

In [10]: type((100))
Out[10]: int

In [11]: type((100,))
Out[11]: tuple

So change your last line to

In [12]: a['x'].apply(lambda x, y: x + y, args=(100,))
0    101
1    102
Name: x, dtype: int64

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