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WxPython Import Error With Windows Install

I have installed Python 3.4 and wxPython Phoenix on Windows 10. I go into Eclipse and add wxPython to the external libs in my project, but when I try to import it, I get this erro

Solution 1:

How did you install wxpython?

As of now, the top page of the official site has wxpython 3.0 only for python27. So, I suspect you might not have installed it properly.

If you have your python34 at C:/Python34 then, cd to C:/Python34/Scripts first so that we make sure to use the pip for this python.

According to this post (!topic/wxpython-dev/LmGIrQyh7jc), try

pip install -U --pre -f wxPython_Phoenix

This should find the corresponding whl file for your python version and CPU architecture.

Or, you could manually download whl file at

If you have 32 bit Python34, then look for ******-cp34-none-win32.whl

and simply do:

pip install path/to/the/whl/that/you/just/downloaded/wxPython_Phoenix-3.0.3.dev1839+4ecd949-cp34-none-win32.whl

After this, if you can import wx in the normal cmd then the problem should be coming from eclipse.

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