WxPython Import Error With Windows Install
Solution 1:
How did you install wxpython?
As of now, the top page of the official site has wxpython 3.0 only for python27. So, I suspect you might not have installed it properly.
If you have your python34 at C:/Python34 then, cd to C:/Python34/Scripts first so that we make sure to use the pip for this python.
According to this post (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/wxpython-dev/LmGIrQyh7jc), try
pip install -U --pre -f http://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/ wxPython_Phoenix
This should find the corresponding whl file for your python version and CPU architecture.
Or, you could manually download whl file at http://wxpython.org/Phoenix/snapshot-builds/
If you have 32 bit Python34, then look for ******-cp34-none-win32.whl
and simply do:
pip install path/to/the/whl/that/you/just/downloaded/wxPython_Phoenix-3.0.3.dev1839+4ecd949-cp34-none-win32.whl
After this, if you can import wx
in the normal cmd then the problem should be coming from eclipse.
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