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3d Sobel Algorithm In Python?

I'm trying to calculate a 3d sobel filter in python. I have a pretty good code for 2d image which is below. btw. my original image is uint8 type. preSobel = preSobel.astype('in

Solution 1:

First, in reference to your wikipedia link: The multiplication there is referring to the way to construct the sobel convolution kernel, not the end result.

For a 2D sobel filter you need a kernel to get the derivate in x direction, and another kernel to get the derivate in Y direction, e.g. enter image description here

This is essentially what your two commands do, so if you are using numpy you do not need to construct these kernels yourself.

dx = ndimage.sobel(preSobel, 0)  # horizontal derivative
dy = ndimage.sobel(preSobel, 1)  # vertical derivative

Now for the 3D case you need 3 operations with 3 kernels, one for dx, dy, dz. The linked wiki section is telling you how to construct the kernels by multiplying components. The finished sobel kernel for dZ for example is a 3x3x3 matrix that looks like this:

enter image description here

To get the magnitude you still have to take the square root of the squared derivatives (the hypotenuse) afterwards.

I do not have numpy but as far as I can tell from the documentation the ndimage sobel command can deal with any number of dimensions, so again, the kernels are already provided:

dx = ndimage.sobel(your3Dmatrix, 0)  # x derivative
dy = ndimage.sobel(your3Dmatrix, 1)  # y derivative
dz = ndimage.sobel(your3Dmatrix, 2)  # z derivative

now the hypotenuse command probably only take 2 parameters, so you will have to find another way to efficiently calculate mag = sqrt(dxdx + dydy + dz*dz) . But NumPy should have everything you need for that.


Actually, if you are only interested in the magnitude anyway, there is a complete function in numpy for this:

 mag = generic_gradient_magnitude(your3Dmatrix, sobel)

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