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Filter A List According To Condition In Python

i need to calculate how much numbers form string got value higher or equal to 25 and lower or equal to 50 numbers = [25, 24, 26, 45, 25, 23, 50, 51] # 'count' should be 5 count

Solution 1:

numbers = [25, 24, 26, 45, 25, 23, 50, 51]
count = len(numbers)
filtered = [num for num in numbers if 25 < num <= 50]
count -= len(filtered)

Solution 2:

I need to filter all numbers and only numbers what are higher than 25 can stay

you can use the built-in function filter:

numbers = [25, 24, 26, 45, 25, 23, 50, 51]
filtred = list(filter(lambda x : x > 25, numbers))
# [26, 45, 50, 51]

how much numbers form string got value higher or equal to 25 and lower or equal to 50

you can use the built-in function sum:

count = sum(1 for e in numbers if e >= 25 and e<= 50)
# 5

Solution 3:

This should help

numbers = [25, 24, 26, 45, 25, 23, 50, 51]
for i in numbers:
    if i>=25 and i<=50:

Solution 4:

A simple way to do it would be to create an empty list, iterate through the current list and append all relevant items to the new list, like so:

numbers = [25, 24, 26, 45, 25, 23, 50, 51]
new_list =[]

for i in numbers:
    if i>=25 and i<=50:


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