How To Set Proxies Like This "user:pass@" In FirefoxDriver Of Selenium 2?
Solution 1:
I don't know of a way to pass a username and password like that. How I would handle it is use webdriver to catch the popup and the send_keys() to that popup same as you would on a regular page.
Solution 2:
I am not much into python, but I believe, that if you update these two values to:
PROXY_HOST = "user:pass@"
It should work.
BTW, on the same topic: I am also sitting behind the proxy and had never to set up proxy configuration in my firefox WebDriver.
I am using java, so it can be either the java WebDriver, or just the fact that I was accessing only the sites behind the proxy...
try adding this into your profile. Hope it helps:
fp.setPreference("browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled", false);
above setting allows sending username and password in URL
Solution 3:
After playing with Selenium for quite a while I came to realization that it's not designed for working with proxies, and it's definitely a pain in the ass If you are trying to make it work like what I did in the past. I eventually turned to tools like requests
for most of my proxy related job.
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