Invalid Filename Or Mode 'wb'
I am using django. I was trying to compress an icon uploaded by a user to a smaller size using Pythons Image library. Following is my code: def resizeImage(icon,ext): path= os
Solution 1:
What solved it for me was switching from backslashes to forward slashes! Who would've thought?!
Similar post: ioerror invalid mode w
Solution 2:
Check your file path if it's valid:
Perhaps it contains one karnadash
too much.
Solution 3:
I had a similar problem when I was trying to save some figures in a fowder. Some figures I could save, but couldn't save others, and I was using the same code. I realized that the name of the figure and the backslash were in conflict with a reserved code.
IOError: [Errno 22] invalid mode ('wb') or filename: '02102016\nDTG.png'
I think "\n"
was interpreted as "enter". The problem had been solved when I changed it to forward slash.
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