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Python PANDAS: GroupBy First Transform Create Indicator

I have a pandas dataframe in the following format: id,criteria_1,criteria_2,criteria_3,criteria_4,criteria_5,criteria_6 1,0,0,95,179,1,1 1,0,0,97,185,NaN,1 1,1,2,92,120,1,1 2,0,0,2

Solution 1:

Here's one way:

mask = (((df['criteria_1'] >=1.0) | (df['criteria_2'] >=2.0)) &
         (df['criteria_3'] >=90.0) &
         (df['criteria_4'] <=180.0) &
         ((df['criteria_5'].notnull()) & (df['criteria_6'].notnull())))

# reset_index() defaults to drop=False. It inserts the old index into the DF 
# as a new column named 'index'.
idx = df.reset_index()[mask].groupby('id').first().reset_index(drop=True)['index']

df['flag'] = df.index.isin(idx).astype(int)

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