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Showing posts from May, 2023

Change Matplotlib Button Color When Pressed

I'm running an animation using matplotlib's FuncAnimation to display data (live) from a mic… Read more Change Matplotlib Button Color When Pressed

Write Json Format Using Pandas Series And Dataframe

I'm working with csvfiles. My goal is to write a json format with csvfile information. Especifi… Read more Write Json Format Using Pandas Series And Dataframe

How To Combine Boto With Fabric

I need to mention. I use Windows. Now I know how to use boto. But I faced the problem that I can… Read more How To Combine Boto With Fabric

Recursionerror: Maximum Recursion Depth Exceeded While Calling A Python Object(algorithmic Change Required)

I am learning about Class Inheritance and overriding methods in python. To implement my learning, I… Read more Recursionerror: Maximum Recursion Depth Exceeded While Calling A Python Object(algorithmic Change Required)

Regexp Look For Part But Exclude If

Right so RegExp is fairly new to me and its still puzzling me. Anyway I managed to look for almost … Read more Regexp Look For Part But Exclude If

Find The Start Position Of The Longest Sequence Of 1's

I want to find the start position of the longest sequence of 1's in my array: a1=[0,0,1,1,1,1,0… Read more Find The Start Position Of The Longest Sequence Of 1's

How Do I Update/redraw A Gtk Widget (gtklabel) Internally Without A Key Press Event Using Python?

I have some code below that is attempting to update a GTK Label element. I'm including two fil… Read more How Do I Update/redraw A Gtk Widget (gtklabel) Internally Without A Key Press Event Using Python?

Parse Equation To List Of Tuples In Python

I want to parse equations and get a list of tuples. For example, when I enter 2x = 4+3y, I want… Read more Parse Equation To List Of Tuples In Python

Rename A File That Already Exists

I'm learning python and also english. And I have a problem that might be easy, but I can't … Read more Rename A File That Already Exists

Making Pytest Quieter When Run From Pycharm

UPDATE: The messages shown below are NOT controlled by pytest various '-q' quiet options. … Read more Making Pytest Quieter When Run From Pycharm

Returning To Page That Brought You There Django

In Python/Django I have a FormView that allows you to add certain field choices ad hoc. (Example: … Read more Returning To Page That Brought You There Django

Changing An Item In A List Of Lists

Possible Duplicate: Simple python code about double loop I'm stuck with the well known proble… Read more Changing An Item In A List Of Lists

Pandas: Calling Df.loc[] From An Index Consisting Of Pd.datetime

Say I have a df as follows: a=pd.DataFrame([[1,3]]*3,columns=['a','b'],index=['… Read more Pandas: Calling Df.loc[] From An Index Consisting Of Pd.datetime

Getting Standard Error Associated With Parameter Estimates From Scipy.optimize.curve_fit

I am using scipy.optimize.curve_fit to fit a curve to some data i have. The curves, for the most pa… Read more Getting Standard Error Associated With Parameter Estimates From Scipy.optimize.curve_fit

Print Method "invalid Syntax" Reversing A String

Trying to reverse a string in python and can't figure out what is wrong with my program that th… Read more Print Method "invalid Syntax" Reversing A String

How Can I Generate Posix Values For Yesterday And Today At Midnight In Python?

I've been struggling to determine how I can generate a POSIX (UNIX) time value for today and ye… Read more How Can I Generate Posix Values For Yesterday And Today At Midnight In Python?

Amazon Mws Error Signaturedoesnotmatch (python)

I'm currently getting the following error when trying to submit requests to Amazon Marketplace … Read more Amazon Mws Error Signaturedoesnotmatch (python)

Unable To Import Metric From Tensorflow.keras.metrics

I want to write a custom metric evaluator for which I am following this link. my dummy code is imp… Read more Unable To Import Metric From Tensorflow.keras.metrics

Using Flask Render_template To Make A Highchart On The Front End

I have a simple python method which will generate a highcharts json @app.route('/make/a/chart&#… Read more Using Flask Render_template To Make A Highchart On The Front End

Group Bar Chart With Seaborn/matplotlib

My goal is to create a grouped bar chart like the one below, using a pandas DataFrame that is group… Read more Group Bar Chart With Seaborn/matplotlib

Mongo Query In Python If I Use Variable As Value

Am trying to find documents from the mongo collection using the following query. db.collection_name… Read more Mongo Query In Python If I Use Variable As Value

Python 2.7 Build On Sublime Text 3 Doesn't Print The '\ufffd' Character

The problem. I'm using Python 2.7 build on Sublime Text 3 and have an issue with printing out. … Read more Python 2.7 Build On Sublime Text 3 Doesn't Print The '\ufffd' Character

How To Use Pyav Or Opencv To Decode A Live Stream Of Raw H.264 Data?

The data was received by socket ,with no more shell , they are pure I P B frames begin with NAL Hea… Read more How To Use Pyav Or Opencv To Decode A Live Stream Of Raw H.264 Data?

Can't Convert Image To Grayscale When Using Opencv

I have a transparent logo that I want to convert to grayscale using OpenCV. I am using the followin… Read more Can't Convert Image To Grayscale When Using Opencv

Importerror: No Module Named Geometry While Running Executables Obtained From Pyinstaller

Traceback (most recent call last): File ' ', line 1, in File py_installer/PyInstaller-2.1… Read more Importerror: No Module Named Geometry While Running Executables Obtained From Pyinstaller

Selenium Chrome Instance With Profile Won't Load Site

I'm trying to fetch a site while using my profile as per instructions from this post. It succes… Read more Selenium Chrome Instance With Profile Won't Load Site

Sphinx Exclude One Page From Html_sidebars

I am using Sphinx to build user docs for an application. According to the documentation for build … Read more Sphinx Exclude One Page From Html_sidebars

How To Justify The Characters In Drop-down List Of A Combobox?

How to justify the values listed in drop-down part of a ttk.Combobox? I have tried justify='cen… Read more How To Justify The Characters In Drop-down List Of A Combobox?

Syntax Error Whenever I Put Python Code Inside A Django Template

I'm trying to do the following in my Django template: {% for embed in embeds %} … Read more Syntax Error Whenever I Put Python Code Inside A Django Template

Variables Based On Input

Python Version=3.5 So I would like to know how I can set variables based on the input from the use… Read more Variables Based On Input

Django: How To Annotate M2m Or Onetomany Fields Using A Subquery?

I have Order objects and OrderOperation objects that represent an action on a Order (creation, modi… Read more Django: How To Annotate M2m Or Onetomany Fields Using A Subquery?

Argparse: Don't Show Usage On -h

The code from argparse import ArgumentParser p = ArgumentParser(description = 'foo') p.add_… Read more Argparse: Don't Show Usage On -h

How To Debug/log Wsgi Python App?

I tried this: #!/usr/bin/python from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server from cgi import … Read more How To Debug/log Wsgi Python App?

Python Read From Azure Storage Account

Having hard time in reading a .csv file that is stored in a storage container. I have these details… Read more Python Read From Azure Storage Account

Python Tcp Socket.recv() Returns With Nothing As Soon As Connection Is Made

I'm trying to implement the most basic python TCP server. Windows 8, Python 2.7, firewall is t… Read more Python Tcp Socket.recv() Returns With Nothing As Soon As Connection Is Made

Trying To Find The Regex For This Particular Case? Also Can I Parse This Without Creating Groups?

text to capture looks like this.. Policy Number ABCD000012345 other text follows in same li… Read more Trying To Find The Regex For This Particular Case? Also Can I Parse This Without Creating Groups?

Apply Transformation Only On String Columns With Pandas, Ignoring Numeric Data

So, I have a pretty large dataframe with 85 columns and almost 90,000 rows and I wanted to use str.… Read more Apply Transformation Only On String Columns With Pandas, Ignoring Numeric Data

(-215:assertion Failed) Npoints >= 0 && (depth == Cv_32f || Depth == Cv_32s) In Function 'contourarea'

I am trying to run the website code to create the image. When I run the code it gives me an error:… Read more (-215:assertion Failed) Npoints >= 0 && (depth == Cv_32f || Depth == Cv_32s) In Function 'contourarea'

How To Create A Z-score In Spark Sql For Each Group

I have a dataframe which looks like this dSc TranAmount 1: 100021 79.64 2: 1000… Read more How To Create A Z-score In Spark Sql For Each Group

Logistic Regression With Weights Constraints(non-nagetive,desceding Order)

I was asked in an interview if logistic regression with weights constraints such as 1.weights are a… Read more Logistic Regression With Weights Constraints(non-nagetive,desceding Order)

How To Reverse Geocode Lat/lon Into Boroughs Efficiently

I am working with the New York City taxi data set. The data set has columns including datetime, pic… Read more How To Reverse Geocode Lat/lon Into Boroughs Efficiently

Python Float Division Not Exact

Possible Duplicate: Python float - str - float weirdness Python float division does not appear to… Read more Python Float Division Not Exact

Printing { And } With New Format Syntax

I need to add '{' and/or '}' in a string where I use the format function to format … Read more Printing { And } With New Format Syntax

Find If Item In List A In Range Of Items In Sublist Of List B

Let's say I have two lists. x = [2,12,33,40,500] y = ['1_4','9_11','38_50… Read more Find If Item In List A In Range Of Items In Sublist Of List B

Mape Metric At H2o

What is correct way to implement MAPE under h2o framework? I am interested to convert below functio… Read more Mape Metric At H2o

Python List Of (str,int) Tuple Dictionaries

I am trying to return list of (str, int) tuple, which is the friend recommendations for the given … Read more Python List Of (str,int) Tuple Dictionaries