Find Rows With Subset Of Values In Another Dataframe, In A Vectorized Way
How to match values from this DataFrame source: car_id lat lon 0 100 10.0 15.0 1 100 12.0 10.0 2 100 09.0 08.0 3 110 2
Solution 1:
DataFrame.merge() per default merges on all columns with the same names (intersection of the columns of both DFs):
In [197]: source.merge(coords)
car_id lat lon
0 100 12.0 10.0
1 110 23.0 12.0
2 110 18.0 32.0
Solution 2:
Here's one approach with NumPy broadcasting
a = source.values
b = coords.values
out = source[(a[:,1:]==b[:,None]).all(-1).any(0)]
Sample run -
In [74]: source
car_id lat lon
0 100 10.0 15.0
1 100 12.0 10.0
2 100 9.0 8.0
3 110 23.0 12.0
4 110 18.0 32.0
5 110 21.0 16.0
5 110 12.0 2.0
In [75]: coords
lat lon
0 12.0 10.0
1 23.0 12.0
3 18.0 32.0
In [76]: a = source.values
...: b = coords.values
In [77]: source[(a[:,1:]==b[:,None]).all(-1).any(0)]
car_id lat lon
1 100 12.0 10.0
3 110 23.0 12.0
4 110 18.0 32.0
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